[WinMac] Spam, anyone?

From: Darryl Lee (lee[at]darryl.com)
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 11:04:22 PDT

  • Next message: Daniel L. Schwartz: "RE: [WinMac] Mystery Con"

    Hi all... Darryl, in the role of list "mom" here.

    I got a report of someone receiving spam at an address that he says
    was *only* used to subscribe to WinMac.

    I know that *I* haven't sold the list, nor is it available for
    download from the list server.

    However, since the archives of the list are available on a
    publicly-accessible website (http://www.darryl.com/winmac/), it's
    certainly possible that addresses of posters have been "harvested" from

    Personally, I get plenty of spam from all kinds of sources. I
    don't have time to worry about where it's from - I just use
    SpamBouncer (http://www.spambouncer.org/) to filter it out,
    and then I trash it.

    If people think it's necessary, before archiving posts, I could
    munge the addresses so that every @ symbol is replaced with (at).
    That might keep the clueless harvesters away for a short time (until
    they figure out to simply replace (at) with @).

    But what do y'all think?

    Darryl Lee <lee@darryl.com> | Bore yourself silly: <http://www.darryl.com>

    *** Windows-MacintoshOS Cooperation List *** FAQ: http://www.darryl.com/winmacfaq/ Archive: http://www.darryl.com/winmac/

    To unsubscribe, send mail to winmac-request@lists.best.com with just the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message.

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