Re: [WinMac] Spam, anyone?

From: David Bell (db28[at]
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 02:52:21 PDT

  • Next message: Daniel L. Schwartz: "RE: [WinMac] Spam, anyone?"

    >On Sat, 20 May 2000, Bruce Johnson wrote:
    >Lordy....isn't that a BIT of cutting off your nose to spite your face?
    Not really. A mailing list is supposed to be a private forum. So I don't expect
    to receive email from anyone other than members of the list as a result of
    joining the list. If I'd wanted to join a public forum I'd have found an
    appropriate USENET group instead.

    >Do you have all snail mail delivery stopped because you get some junk mail
    >in it?

    In the UK we have some legal protection from junk snail mail and from having
    ones personal details passed on to junk mailers without consent. There have
    certainly been occasions when I've taken advantage of these rights to be removed
    from junk mailer's lists. I'm also careful what personal information I disclose
    to third parties where it looks as if the information is likely to be used for
    junk mail purposes. Why would I want to take a different view over junk email?

    >As Tim said...Spam is more or less a fact of life; I hit delete and go on.

    It's only a fact of life if people aren't prepared to do anything about it. This
    is just like Interia Selling. No one wants the stuff but because they never get
    around to doing anything about it it just keeps on coming.

    >BTW, you may be wrong about that address the spam is coming from...I
    >haven't noticed any new upsurge in spam to the address I'm subscribed from
    >on this list.

    I'm not wrong - I have only used this particular address to subscribe to
    Win-Mac. It may well be that the reason you haven't seen an upsurge in SPAM to
    your address is that it's already known to spammers.

    Perhaps I'm extra senstive to SPAM at the moment because about 5 weeks ago
    someone started sending out SPAM with a forged return address within our domain.
    Having to deal with 600 bounced messages and requests from the spammers victims
    to unsubscribe from the list (as if I could do anything about it!) in the sapce
    of about 3 weeks has made me just the teensiest bit more militant about the
    whole thing! Perhaps you might have a different view at the end of that too!

    I see that thanks are due to Darryl for implementing a solution to this problem.
    Lets hope that fixes it once and for all.


    David Bell

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