Re: [WinMac] Bleeding edge

Sat, 27 Mar 1999 21:59:48 -0700

> To summarize in logical steps:
> 1) OS-X only (reasonably) runs on a Tanzania (blue & white) Mac;
> 2) There is no redundancy built into the blue & white Mac;
> 3) Therefore, OS-X and Tanzania Macs aren't ready for prime time.
> Yours truly,
> Dan

I repeat, then don't buy them. Get off everyone else's back. These
machines will be excellent. Right now they ARE excellent for some uses,
such as homes. Actually, they are probably the best game Mac ever. I
don't know why anyone would want a small box like this for a server
anyway, no matter what platform. It really doesn't have enough space
inside. Please don't tell me that you believed Steve when he/Apple set
these machines out as servers. That doesn't fit your profile. Obviously,
you are just attacking Apple and anyone who uses their products again.
When exactly is NT5 coming to make the world complete and problem free?

If you are setting up a mission-critical unit, don't get on the 'bleeding
edge' of any technology. You're just setting yourself up.

Oh, btw, I don't live in a bubble. Amazingly enough, you might, though.
Perhaps it has escaped your notice that you are not the only person on
the list. My comments about the modem-slot serial cards were really not
directed at anybody who already knew of their existence.

Jeff T

* Windows-MacOS Cooperation List *

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