Re: [WinMac] Bleeding edge

Richard Hallmark(rhallma1[at]
Sat, 27 Mar 1999 23:25:32 -0500

I would add:

Add a Micronet GenesisONE Ultra LVD SCSI RAID box with a Terabyte
of storage and move the B & W logic board to a third party rack mount.
That should be a step in the right direction.

Rick Hallmark

>> To summarize in logical steps:
>> 1) OS-X only (reasonably) runs on a Tanzania (blue & white) Mac;
>> 2) There is no redundancy built into the blue & white Mac;
>> 3) Therefore, OS-X and Tanzania Macs aren't ready for prime time.
>> Yours truly,
>> Dan
>I repeat, then don't buy them. Get off everyone else's back. These
>machines will be excellent. Right now they ARE excellent for some uses,
>such as homes. Actually, they are probably the best game Mac ever. I
>don't know why anyone would want a small box like this for a server
>anyway, no matter what platform. It really doesn't have enough space
>inside. Please don't tell me that you believed Steve when he/Apple set
>these machines out as servers. That doesn't fit your profile. Obviously,
>you are just attacking Apple and anyone who uses their products again.
>When exactly is NT5 coming to make the world complete and problem free?

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