RE: [WinMac] sending a Windows shortcut file

Date: Fri Mar 16 2001 - 09:41:50 PST

So you've definitely tried this...
Open a window to c:\winnt blah blah
Right-clicked and dragged rdisk.exe to the desktop
Created a shortcut
Attached shortcut to message

Because I don't understand how your (unspecified) e-mail app keeps sending

The "open the file instead of running it" thing is the default option when
you download\unattach in almost all client applications - otherwise we'd be
in a real mess with apps and trojans flying around all over the place.
It would be a BAD idea if mail\web clients acted any other way (although you
can make them do it).

Again, web links are designed to allow *downloading* of a file as opposed to
activation, although users can select "Run from here" if they're accessing
the attachment via a web-based e-mail client such as Outlook Web Access for

What you're trying to do can best be dealt with by something in a logon
script... I would suggest that you look on for some other
solutions, such as Here's that

ERD Updates
In Reader to Reader: "ERD Updates," August 2000, Melissa Wise offers a
solution to automate Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) updates. For Windows NT 4.0
systems, I created an extended script (see listing below)that collects the
necessary information to determine the cause of a failure and works with a
backup to recover the system.

The script runs an update of the system's ERD, uses the Winmsd utility to
save system information, uses the Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Resource
Kit's Srvinfo utility to collect information about the system, uses Dumpel
to save information from the system's event logs, and collects memory dumps
for debugging. After it collects this information, the script copies it to a
repository server. If you schedule the script to run at least once a month,
you'll have most of the information you need to restore the system in the
event of a failure.

To make the script work on every server in your network, you need to change
only the repository server and drive letter variables. After you make this
change and copy the script to the local hard disk, you can use the At
command to schedule it to run as often as you want.

-Simon Lidberg

Listing 1: ERD Update Script

@echo off

rem Change these variables to the server and the drive letter you want to
set rep_server=\\repository_server\share
set driveletter=r:

rem Creates temporary folders
md %tmp%\%computername%
cd %tmp%\%computername%

rem Runs a winmsd report, rdisk, srvinfo and then save the eventlogs to
winmsd /a /f
srvinfo -ns >%computername%_info.txt
rdisk /s-
dumpel -f eventsys.out -l system
dumpel -f eventapp.out -l application
dumpel -f eventsec.out -l security

rem Connects to the repository server
net use %driveletter% %rep_server%

rem Checks if the folders are present on the repository server
if exist %driveletter%\%computername%\nul goto 1
md \%computername%
if exist %driveletter%\%computername%\logs\nul goto 2
md \%computername%\logs
if exist %driveletter%\%computername%\logs\oldlogs\nul goto 3
md \%computername%\logs\oldlogs
if exist %driveletter%\%computername%\repair\nul goto 4
md \%computername%\repair
if exist %driveletter%\%computername%\dumps\nul goto 5
md \%computername%\dumps

rem Copies the logs to the repository server
copy %driveletter%\%computername%\logs\*.*
copy %tmp%\%computername%\*.* %driveletter%\%computername%\logs\*.*
copy %systemroot%\repair\*.* %driveletter%\%computername%\repair\*.*
copy %driveletter%\%computername%\dumps\*.*
copy %systemroot%\memory.dmp %driveletter%\%computername%\dumps\*.*

rem Removes the temporary files and folders
cd \
net use %driveletter% /delete
del %tmp%\%computername%\*.* /Q
rd %tmp%\%computername%

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