[WinMac] File migration hair-pulling

From: Romeyn Prescott (prescor[at]potsdam.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 15:54:22 PDT

  • Next message: CSBURRI: "RE: [WinMac] File migration hair-pulling"

    Hi all,

    In my position I (thankfully infrequently) have to assist in platform
    migrations (Mac -> Windows or Windows -> Mac). Lately (and sadly)
    I've had to do quite a few Mac -> Windows conversions. I use MacLink
    Plus translators to groom their data files. It does a wonderful job
    of dealing with FILE names, but sadly does NOTHING to check the
    validity of resultant bound-for-Windowsland FOLDER names. You be
    amazed (or maybe you wouldn't) how many Windows-illegal characters I
    run into. There's the expected "/", but I can do a Sherlock search
    for those. But what is MADDENING in nested folders containing
    hundreds of files is anything with a trailing space in the
    folder/file name which Windows positively hates.

    Have anyone here ever dealt with this, and if so, how have YOU dealt
    with it? I just plod through it all manually making changes. But it
    sucks. Almost anything has to be better!

    IS there anything?

    Parenthetically yours,


    signat-url: http://www2.potsdam.edu/dctm/prescor/signat-url.htm cubiclecam: http://digirom.potsdam.edu/~prescor/cubiclecam.html ^^^ <--- New and improved!

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