Re: [WinMac] Spam, anyone?

From: Robert James, Jr. (rjames[at]
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 10:03:27 PDT

  • Next message: Randy Reed: "[WinMac] pc file broadcast utility"

    Bruce wrote:
    > >Lordy....isn't that a BIT of cutting off your nose to spite your face?

    David replied:
    > Not really. A mailing list is supposed to be a private forum.


    I think you missed his point. I believe Bruce was saying that a
    little spam every now and then shouldn't negate the usefulness of the
    list to you. The positives (at least for me) far outweigh any
    negatives from 11 spam messages in four weeks. It's a "take the good
    with the bad" sort of thing.

    > >Do you have all snail mail delivery stopped because you get some junk mail
    > >in it?

    > In the UK we have some legal protection from junk snail mail and from having
    > ones personal details passed on to junk mailers without consent. I'm also careful what personal information I disclose
    > to third parties where it looks as if the information is likely to be used for
    > junk mail purposes. Why would I want to take a different view over junk email?

    Well junk email is different, the main reason being that it's a
    heckuva lot easier to change your email address than it is to change
    your residential address. Yeah, I'm *very* careful about letting my
    home address out, but I don't obsess nearly as much over junk email,
    since I can just hit 'delete', or change my addy, if necessary,
    without having to gather up house and home.

    > Perhaps I'm extra senstive to SPAM at the moment [..snip..]

    That's the conclusion I came to after reading your first post. I
    guess I'd be a bit ansty about it myself, at least where it pertained
    to my work addy.

    In light of my second statement, I echo Dan's suggestion that you
    change your WinMac subscription address if the spam is that much


    --------<<<<<<<<@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@>>>>>>>>--------
    Robert James, Jr., Coordinator
    Fine Arts Resource Center
    Dept. of the Performing & Fine Arts <>
    Fayetteville State University <>
    Fayetteville, NC
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