[WinMac] RE: Epson 850NE

From: Scot Loomis (sloomis[at]honoluluadvertiser.com)
Date: Tue Apr 25 2000 - 18:23:14 PDT

  • Next message: Brian Durant: "Re(2): [WinMac] 98lite and USB support."

    >What crappy experiences are you having? I have one too and it's a great
    >networkable color printer for under $300 for me. I've worked with many
    >other Epsons (esp. 3000) and they can all be a huge pain when they
    >misbehave, but generally offer a great value considering the color quality
    >and cost.

    First, it stoped working with Ethernet. The only way I can use it is
    with a parallel cable of my windoze game machine. 2nd, it eats ink,
    dries out fast and clogs the heads. That's my home printer, at work we
    just don't use the 850 any more as it's too quirky.

    Scot Loomis
    Production Systems Manager
    Hawaii Newspaper Agency
    (808) 525-7656

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