[WinMac] BBEdit style program for Windows?

From: Brian Durant (pip207[at]inform.dk)
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 23:48:52 PST

  • Next message: Darryl Lee: "Re: [WinMac] BBEdit style program for Windows?"

    Hi again,

    I need to recommend an HTML editing program for a business that uses an all
    Windows platform base. Is anyone aware of a program that is similar to BBEdit
    (hopefully with many of the same features) for Windows? I am working on a
    project that they will take over and manage on their own, but I want to make
    sure that they don't fall into the same WSIWYG trap that I fell into, before I
    found BBEdit.



    Human rights and democratization specialist.
    Menneskerettigheds- og demokratiseringsspecialist.
    ëÔÂÒËýÎËÒÚ Ô•ý’ý —ÂÎÓ’ÂÍ Ë ”ÂÏÓÍ•ýÚËþ.

    bdurant@inform.dk http://www2.inform.dk/durant --

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