[WinMac] How to save user & pwd in Dial-up Netoworking

From: Ron LaPedis (RonL[at]laserphernalia.com)
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 10:53:34 PST

  • Next message: vwysong: "[WinMac] DIM MONITOR PROBLEM"

    I have mupltiple ISPs and am trying to set up 'connectoids' (dial up
    networking icons) for each ISP on my Win '98 machine. When I double-click
    they come up with the username set to my M'soft networking name and even if
    'save password' is checked it is not saved if I change the Username before
    I dial. Since one of the ISPs issues random usernames and passwords, I
    really need to save them.


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