[WinMac] Re: Bleeding edge

Daniel L. Schwartz(expresso[at]snip.net)
Sat, 27 Mar 1999 23:51:36 -0500

At 09:59 PM 3/27/99 -0700, Jeff Thorstad wrote:
>> To summarize in logical steps:
>> 1) OS-X only (reasonably) runs on a Tanzania (blue & white) Mac;
>> 2) There is no redundancy built into the blue & white Mac;
>> 3) Therefore, OS-X and Tanzania Macs aren't ready for prime time.
>> Yours truly,
>> Dan
>I repeat, then don't buy them. Get off everyone else's back. These
>machines will be excellent. Right now they ARE excellent for some uses,
>such as homes. Actually, they are probably the best game Mac ever. I
>don't know why anyone would want a small box like this for a server
>anyway, no matter what platform.

        Then why deploy an OS-X server to begin with? You yourself just shot down
deploying OS-X Server.

>It really doesn't have enough space

        Agreed: Hard drive cooling is critical for nonstop service... That is why
FWB, for years, insisted that 7200 RPM drives shouldn't be installed in a
case smaller than a Quadra 950. In fact, this very factor led to the rash
of HDD failures in the original 8100/80AV machines (A Spindler creation).

>Please don't tell me that you believed Steve when he/Apple set
>these machines out as servers.

        Then why did he demo this very thing at MacWorld/Japan, remote booting 50
iMacs? Oh, I forgot: He stormed off stage when the server crashed...

>That doesn't fit your profile. Obviously,
>you are just attacking Apple and anyone who uses their products again.

        Not true: I just recommended a Mac to an AlphaNT user who needed a
scanner. In fact, I often recommend Macs when using a lot of peripherals.
Plus, they are immune to most all virii (except Word Macro virii). I just
wish the iMacs and Tanzania Macs still had built-in SCSI to handle these
tasks, like previous Macs still can do.

        [BTW, the "remote boot" for the iMac is a system admin's dream... Too bad
the other half doesn't work.]

>When exactly is NT5 coming to make the world complete and problem free?

        I'm no M$ apologist; but I can't wait to get my hands on 64 bit NT5 for
Alpha. Yes, it's true: Forget about Merced, IA-64, and McKinley... I'll
take an Alpha any day of the week.

        If you want to order an NFR kit that has NT4/SP4 Server, W2k/Server Beta
3, and W2k/Server (released) for $125, click on:
 <http://www.microsoft.com/directaccess/training/hotkit.htm>. It also
includes training.

        No, I wouldn't deploy W2k until at least the first Service Pack, and then
only if needed. I'll stick with NT4/Server, just like I'll stick with
AppleShare 4.2.2, until something better comes along. (In fact, I still
have one customer using NT/Server 3.51!)

>If you are setting up a mission-critical unit, don't get on the 'bleeding
>edge' of any technology. You're just setting yourself up.


        BUT, if I wanted to deploy 20 iMacs with remote boot, how would I do this
with a reliable server? Believe it or not, I actually LIKE the iMac for
corporate desktop deployment, since the iMac would thrive with a robust LAN
backing it up. But without Remote Boot (roving profiles in "NT-speak") the
cost of administering a bunch of iMacs would be prohibitive.

>Oh, btw, I don't live in a bubble. Amazingly enough, you might, though.
>Perhaps it has escaped your notice that you are not the only person on
>the list. My comments about the modem-slot serial cards were really not
>directed at anybody who already knew of their existence.
>Jeff T



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