[WinMac] Re: IE4.5

Susan McNab(smcnab[at]gol.com)
Sun, 7 Feb 1999 12:31:19 +0900

I wonder why you are getting more display errors on IE? I find the opposite
and I am testing both browsers on Win95/98/NT and MacOSin several languages
almost every day when I make Web pages.

According to my tests, IE4 actually renders html and stylesheets more
accurately than Communicator. However, implementation of JavaScript in
previous MacOS IE versions was poor. I haven't tested 4.5 on either
platform for that yet, although none of our scripts have stopped working.

I hate to say so, but Communicator seems to me like it is beginning to fall
apart under the hood. If you compare IE & Netscape adherance to W3C HTML
standards, IE comes out way ahead, particularly when you start moving on to
HTML 4.0, Cascading Stylesheets, DHTML and so on. I am not talking about
proprietary additions here I am talking about implementation of basic tags.
I have also noticed that Communicator can become corrupted more easily than
it used to. These comments all apply equally to both MacOS and Windows

Sue McNab

>I read in macworld that Internet Explorer 4.5 was a great product. Then
>my brother emails me saying how he likes IE4.5 better than Netscape now,
>then someone on this list said they liked it also. So I download it and
>try it. I am inundated with script errors from a number of sites???? Is
>this a favorite Microsoft thing (I usually get a lot of script errors
>when I try to access Miscorsoft's site from work using IE on a PC).
>Any workarounds out there?
>I think I'll just go back to Netscape, but I had heard the IE 4.5 was
>faster. On the PC it's faster than Netscape but doesn't so such a good
>job of parsing HTML as Netscape does (I get a lot of display errors on IE
>Alex Dearden

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