[WinMac] Re: WinMac Digest #218 - 02/05/99

David Boyson(davidboyson[at]csi.com)
Sat, 6 Feb 1999 09:33:05 -0800

The Windows-MacOS cooperation list

>Subject: RE: - RE: [WinMac] Re: iMac
>From: Michael bartosh <bartosh@tamu.edu>
>Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 11:34:47 -0600
>>> No, really- look at my .sig- I think I would know. Trust me, it is
>>> not a cost issue. It's about moving towards a new,smarter way of
>>> doing things.
Michael, you sound kinda like an info-mercial here. We more jaded
types, have a hard time trusting anyone based on their connections!

>> I see that, you are student rep. I have dealt with those before...
>Yes and this means I am lowly and know nothing- of course! Well I'm
>not going to post my resume to the list or stoop to other petty crap.
>There are those out there that understand what I'm saying- sorry if
>you don't.''-mab

I think you took the bait on this one Michael. You certainly know
plenty, no matter what other people's attitudes about "student rep" are.
Your connection to Apple does give you some insights others do not have,
but it also shades your perceived objectivity.

You make a really good point about the floppy drive - that there is a
Marketing and Sales point of view to the decision. The best strategic
decisions usually blend both Accounting and control objectives with
Marketing and Sales objectives. In the case of the floppy drive/imac
decision - it looks like it worked well from both viewpoints - It likely
does reduce the cost and provides an increase in value perception -
smarter way of doing things as you say. No point in arguing that is was
one over the other. Most likely both.

This list is loaded with great technical solutions to cross platform
issues. I find the business analysis opinions expressed here about
Apple, Steve Jobs, Microsoft etc. are entertaining but not as useful or


PS, I like my Mac better than HAL!

David Boyson, IS/HR Manager
Productive Learning & Leisure
510-357-5458 voice or fax

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