[WinMac] Re: SFM Ring Zero

Glen Martin(glenmark[at]utxvms.cc.utexas.edu)
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:19:23 -0600

Dan Schwartz <expresso@snip.net> wrote:

> Thanks for the info! BTW, only Ring 3 (user mode) and Ring 0 (kernel mode,
> a/k/a supervisor mode) is implemented in NT. The reason is that although
> there are Rings 3 through 0 in the x86, only Rings 3 and 0 exist on the
> Alpha (Per Sean Daily).

You have that backwards. ix86 has only two memory protection modes.
Alpha has four...

I hope that Windows 2000 does indeed get the graphics drivers out of
kernel memory space. The hit in reliability going from NT 3.51 to 4.0
was painful...

                                   _/ Glen Mark Martin               _/
                                  _/ University of Texas at Austin  _/
                                 _/ ACITS OpenVMS/NT Services      _/

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