Re: [WinMac] Basic server information

Chris Morin(chrism[at]
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 08:39:09 -0500

Allow me to suggest the latest version of NetWare (5.0). I have the
software but not installed it yet. From all the research I have done,
NetWare is probably the most secure and fastest server OS for multiple
platforms. I was at a MS Technet event last week and saw NT 4.x. It was
no comparison to NetWare. NetWare does require you to have someone who
knows what they are doing. Comments I have heard are that NT is a dream to
set up but is a nightmare to keep running and service. Other comments are
that NetWare, while more challenging to set up, is a dream when it is
running; and it is more secure than NT. I have a NetWare 3.12 server that
has been crash-free for 3 1/2 years. I fully expect the same performance
from NetWare 5.0 when I install it.
NetWare does provide support for the Mac as well as several flavors of
UNIX. Do the research, go to all the free seminars you can get to, talk to
other techs (like us), then make the most educated decision you can.
Good luck.

Chris Morin
Southwest Metal Fabricators, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
- Jim Eliott


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