[WinMac] Re (2): Win Outlook (97) Reply to Text Quoting

Wed, 30 Sep 1998 11:37:50 +0900

On 9/30/98 at 9:00, winmac@xerxes.frit.utexas.edu wrote:

w> From: Landis Arnold <landisa@ibm.net>
w> Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 20:42:20 -0600
w> I appreciate you note. Unfortunately, as you can see, that that didn't
w> work for me on this end. I would expect the same to be true, but I keep
w> getting the whole header and "replied to message" popping up when I reply.
w> All I can then do is go and delete most of the text.

Many email packages have a setting for "automatic quoting." It's set to <on> by default in some programs--I guess that's desired in some business situations where the management wants to have everything quoted rather than depend on the workers judgement (never mind the bandwidth). The heading for the quote, "-----Original Message-----" strongly suggests that.

Anyway, I suggest you look for such a setting and turn it off. (Unless you're posting from your company in which case hand-deleting will be the way to go if you suspect auto-quoting is a company policy.) After turning of auto-quoting, I suspect regular quoting (select the desired text and then "Reply") will work.

Ashiya, Japan

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