[WinMac] RE: Font Display Differences

Harris Meyers(HarrisM[at]npcconsult.com)
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 18:15:13 -0700


Actually, this is a philosophic issue between Apple and Microsoft.
Apple started out with the intent that you should be able to place
a ruler on the screen and things should measure the same as they do
on paper. Microsoft noticed that things look smaller on the screen
than they look on paper causing people to tend to pick fonts that
are too big when printed. So Microsoft fudges the screen and makes
things a little bigger than they are on paper so they "look right"
on the screen. As you noticed they both print the same and I will
not get into the argument of who is right.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ruuska, Jay [mailto:jay.ruuska@eds.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 1998 10:09 AM
> Subject: Font Display Differences
> Does anyone know why, for example, 12-point type displays much larger on a
> Windows monitor than it does on a Mac monitor -- but both print out at the
> same size? (Resolutions of the monitors have rough parity, so
> that's not the
> problem.) I notice this mostly when using Microsoft Outlook between
> platforms.

| Harris Meyers HarrisM@npcconsult.com |
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