[WinMac] Re: WinMac Digest #61 - 08/29/98

Sun, 30 Aug 1998 20:57:13 EDT

On 29/08/1998 7:00 PM, winmac@xerxes.frit.utexas.edu wrote:

>Floyd Harriott <fsh@po.cwru.edu> asked:
>>> I'm looking for a better means of reading PC disks on the Mac
>>>(Quadra 630 OS 7.1.2). Since I find the PC Exchange too slow (it takes
>>>forever and a day just to read the directory) I've been using an old
>>>AccessPC (v2.0) from Insignia Solutions. It's worked great over the years
>>>both quick and quite reliable. However, it's getting rather old (1992)
>>>and from time to time I get these really strange conflicts with my CDROM
>>> I'd like to know if there is a more recent version or equivalent
>>>third party offering on the market. I couldn't find anything on the
>>>internet. Aside from upgrading to version 8.x (which I don't want to do)
>>>is there a solution for me?
We use system 7.6 on a quadra 605, 38Meg Ram. runs great and I don't
notice a slowdown reading DOS disks. I saw 7.6 on sale last week at
Frye's for about $19

Change is inevitable, except from the vending machine.

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