[WinMac] Re: Editor to add or strip CR/LF on Windows

Mike Craymer(craymer[at]nrcan.gc.ca)
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:44:04 -0400

>Is there a program to add or strip CR/LF on Windows like I can do with
>Tex-Edit Plus (Mac). The reason behind this is I need to convert Eudora
>mails between platforms. In order for Eudora Win to open mail boxes from
>Eudora Mac, I have to add CR/LF. For Eudroa Mac to open Eudora Win mail
>boxes, I have to strip CR/LF. Tex-Edit Plus is OK for small mail box, it
>seems to hang with big mail boxes (over 1MB).

On the PC, I like TextPad best. It handles PC,Mac,Unix files almost exactly
like BBEdit.


But when I need just to convert any text files between Mac & PC, I prefer
to use the venerable CRLF on the Mac. It's a small droplet that converts
file(s) between Mac, PC and Unix formats with minimum of fuss.


There are similar applications for Windoze 95/98 as well. Check out the
Win95/98 section of the Simtel.Net archive. Here are some examples:

dropcv22.zip (980618) 188K DropConvert: Convert Unix/DOS/Mac text files
nstrip10.zip (970330) 135K NetStripper v1.0: Mac/PC/Unix file translator
tfc-100.zip (980617) 20K Converts text files into CR/LF (PC) text files


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