[WinMac] Mac Freezes at NT Login

Chris Fitzgerald-Walsh(chris[at]click.net)
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 08:19:09 -0700

Hi All,

I have spent 25+ hours trying to figure this one out over the last 9
months.... would someone else take a stab at it for me?

Running NT 4.0, SP3 with dual Pentium-Pros and 128 MB RAM....
Machine is both a webserver and fileserver for dual platform network
environment, but mostly Mac clients (PowerPCs and older) connect on a daily
basis.... 450+ users split into 3 main groups... never more than 40 users
logged in at once though...

Services For Macintosh is installed and has been successfully working for
*most* instances with these awful exceptions:

1) Particular group of users with password protected folders and separate
volume for fileserving have major log-in woes when connecting via
Chooser/Appletalk to Mac Volumes. Network consistently freezes on them and
freezes the Mac (regardless of Mac hardware or software). I know, I
know... everyone's thinking: "it's the permissions" for the group -- but
it's not -- this group as the same *exact* set-up as all other groups for
files, folders, and Mac Volumes (FYI: each group is a separate grade level
at our middle school). In other words, 8th grade and 7th grade groups can
login to their password protected folders on the Mac Volumes just fine,
while 6th grade group members consistently freeze the Mac right after
login. I've tried to isolate every variable I can: ACL permissions, volume
permissions, number of users logging-in, type of ethernet connection, OS,
RAM, etc. but nothing seems to jump out as a cause. Does anyone have a
suggestion? I need to get this resolved ASAP.

2) Similar problem as above, but more random.... again, all student-users
in this environment have the same file permissions and access privileges,
yet every once in a while a particular student-user will consistently
encounter the deep-freeze after the Mac login through Chooser. This is
regardless of what computer they are on or what NT User Group they are a
part of; however, when an Admin with Full Control logs in for them, there
are no problems whatsoever. Again, you're thinking this is a Access
Control problem, AND I'd agree with you EXCEPT that these student-users all
have Full Control over their own folders and are in the same groups as
peers that are having no problems with the exact same set of general

I'm sure that these problems are related, but I'm at a loss as to where I'm
going wrong, because of the inconsistencies between users and groups that
share the exact same properties, except passwords and usernames.

All opinions are welcome!

P.S. Please feel free to contact me with *your* NT questions. In spite of
the persistant problem above, I'm an expert-amatuer at NT admin and
development--especially Active Server Pages and IIS. I'd be happy to help
you out as best I can.

Tag! You're it!

Chris Fitzgerald-Walsh
Educator...Trainer...Developer...Idea Guy!


Spread some good news today! : )

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