RE: NT versus Appleshare servers

Harris, Matt(HARRISMA[at]
Fri, 10 Jul 1998 20:39:40 +0200

Currently, NT servers are the way to go. One is more than enough for
your needs.

Advantages: Native File Sharing for NT and Mac Clients; One password
list for all resources, even if you add a second server; Faster
transfer speeds; Greater security options.

Main disadvantage: Jumping Icons - or use the SFM hot fix from Microsoft
and get the new bug ... your Macs crash if they use recent items
servers because of a new incompatibility between NT 4.0 SP3 SFM Hotfix
and the Macintosh aliases which recent items creates.

On the Flip side, Appleshare IP is not as fast or robust as NT and has
an inferior security model which requires a different user list on every
server and won't integrate with NT unless you run PC MacLAN. If you run
PC MacLAN some vendors may not give you tech support because they will
blame your problems on Appletalk networking. They will most likely be
wrong, but it won't matter if they don't give you the support you need.

I have been testing Appleshare IP 5.0 for about a month and like the
direction they are going, but still it does not integrate the user lists
of several servers into a single directory or automatically register
with a windows DNS when using DHCP, which means you still need to use
static IP addresses for your users to access Appleshare over IP.

Their is a third option which blows both of these away for raw
networking speed. It is called Xinet KAShare. It supports Appleshare
IP at two or three times the throughput you can get on either the Mac or
PC. Unfortunately, it is a Unix product and you probably don't have
anyone with the skills to administer it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thom Pratt []
> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 1998 8:16 AM
> Subject: NT versus Appleshare servers
> We have a mixed environment of 4 NT and 25 Mac in an architectural
> office
> and are contemplating switching from peer to peer over to centralized
> file sharing, no applications, just files.
> What are thoughts on NT servers versus Appleshare servers for this
> environment?
> Thom Pratt


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