[WinMac] PPP-callback and -LCP extensions

From: Matti Haveri (matti.haveri[at]sjoki.uta.fi)
Date: Thu Aug 30 2001 - 09:50:00 PDT

  • Next message: John Welch: "Re: [WinMac] FireWire (IEEE 1394) comments updated"

    Our IT department is installing a PPP modem- and ISDN-server with
    callback (for security reasons). They are Windows only and I'm
    concerned about our Mac users' ability to use the service.

    The IT staff told me to use DHCP and PPP's LCP extensions. DHCP
    should be easy via the TCP/IP control Panel.

    But where can I enable PPP's LCP extensions? I couldn't find them in
    Remote Access Control Panel. Or are they automagically active in Mac
    OS 9? Do I have to hack a PPP connect script??

    Does Mac OS 9 PPP software support modem- and ISDN-callback?? Do I
    have to buy 3rd party PPP software?

    Matti Haveri <matti.haveri@sjoki.uta.fi> <http://www.sjoki.uta.fi/~shmhav/>

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