[WinMac] Outlook 2001 questions

From: Jerry Smith (spn0014[at]mail.saipan.com)
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 02:15:02 PDT

  • Next message: Robert Runte: "[WinMac] Shared printers."

    I am using Outlook 2001 (Mac) at work and have two questions.

    1. Since switching to the new version (from Outlook 8.2), my email
    functions fine except that every time I open a mailbox (Inbox, Sent
    Items, etc.) I always get a message that says "The set of folders
    could not be opened. The client operation failed." Despite the
    message, I have access to my mail. Could this message be because our
    campus Exchange server might not be up to date for some of the
    functions of the new Outlook 2001 client?

    2. How can I configure Outlook to display HTML email? When someone
    sends HTML formatted email all I see is plain text with all the tags.
    Haven't been able to find a setting for this anywhere in Outlook.


    Jerry Smith
    Jerry Smith
    Northern Marianas College
    Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands

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