Re: [WinMac] Sysco Aeronet and Apple Airport

From: Bruce Johnson (johnson[at]Pharmacy.Arizona.EDU)
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 15:42:45 PDT

  • Next message: Jerry Smith: "[WinMac] Outlook 2001 questions"

    Darryl Lee wrote:

    > That's right - anybody with a laptop, Linux, and a Linksys card (and
    > others will work as well), can crack into your WEP-secured wireless
    > LAN. Hrm, maybe the Cisco stuff is worth 2-3 times as much. OR,
    > maybe you should invest in VPN technology (which maybe you already
    > have in place), and use that for your secuirity, instead of WEP.

    Is there a VPN technology out there that:

    a) Runs on a Mac
    b) Runs on Windows 98/Me/2K
    c) Runs on Linux
    d) Runs slightly faster than copying everything to a zip disk and
    bicycling it to the other system
    e) doesn't cost an arm, a leg, a half-pound of liver and a kidney?

    So far I can find 'Choose any two'...

    You know...if we treated house security like we're expected to treat
    computer security, everyone would need 65-ton armor steel CBN resistant
    time-locked vault doors on our houses keyed to our own specific DNA
    sequences, passwords updated every other Tuesday...seems much simpler to
    horsewhip the crackers when we catch 'em breaking in.

    What we need are the electronic equivalents of my dogs..I hardly ever
    lock my doors at home.

    Don't need to, I have 120 aggregate pounds of carnivore with sharp teeth
    and loud voices hanging out behind the doors.

    Bruce Johnson
    University of Arizona
    College of Pharmacy
    Information Technology Group

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