[WinMac] CD Burn Help

From: Humberto Barreto (barretoh[at]wabash.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 07:49:26 PDT

  • Next message: Bill Matthews: "RE: [WinMac] CD Burn Help"


    I put 250 files on a CD ROM (by drag and drop in Toast).

    I put the CD ROM in a computer and drag the files to the computer's hard
    drive. If it's a Mac -- all's well. If it's a Win box -- the files are now
    all LOCKED. :-(

    Here comes the question:
    Is there a way to make the files not be read-only when dragged off the CD
    ROM to the hard drive in Windows?

    Any help would be most appreciated . . .


    Humberto Barreto

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