[WinMac] Windows folders on ASIP Server

From: Geoff Cross (g.cross[at]icrf.icnet.uk)
Date: Wed Jan 31 2001 - 04:27:32 PST

Dear List,

I have an ASIP 6.3 setup which generally works great. I have 60+
computers attached to this including a number of Windows 95 computers
and am having a little problem with folders that they put on to the

On the server I have a sharepoint which contains folders for each
user plus folders for respective work groups. The permissions for
these sharepoints are set as read/write for either the user or group
with them as owner. Now the problem is that if say 'User A' on their
PC puts a folder into one of the group folders that they are a member
of then 'User B' who is also a member of said group tries to access
that folder they cannot. If 'User A' puts a folder into same folder
from a Mac and 'User B' goes to access the folder they have no
problems whether they try to access the folder from a PC or a Mac.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?


Geoff Cross

ICRF Leeds - Macintosh Computer Support

Telephone: 0113 206 6545 SMS email: mailto://geoff.cross@sms.genie.co.uk Web Support URL: http://icrf.leeds.ac.uk/intranet/websupport/

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