[WinMac] Mac connecting to PC Peer-to-Peer Network

From: Dean Suhr (deansuhr[at]CarpeDIS.com)
Date: Thu Aug 24 2000 - 13:43:03 PDT

  • Next message: jason: "Re: [WinMac] Windows2000 server and Macintosh Printing problems"

    A quick, hopefully easy question ...

    I am consulting with a company that has a half dozen PC's (W'98) that are
    networked via Windows Networking on a peer-to-peer basis. One of the
    'puters has a HP Deskjet printer attached and shared.

    How do I access this printer, and transfer files to & from a Mac that can
    connect to the Ethernet network? I'm used to doing this with a NT server
    and am frankly brain-dead about how to approach this peer network.

    I could dig up my copy of Dave - but doesn't that require a server, too?


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