[WinMac] Using 98lite Pro with an Orange PC Card.

From: Brian Durant (pip207[at]inform.dk)
Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 09:51:25 PDT

  • Next message: Changhsu P. Liu: "[WinMac] Joliet formatted CD finally retains long names on Mac"

    Hi again,

    Most list members must be of enjoying the Memorial Day weekend. I hope
    you enjoyed yourselves. Here is another issue for when you come back. Has
    anyone tried to do a clean install of Win98 on a custom Orange PC hard
    disc image using 98lite Pro? Can a kind soul give me a step by step
    initiation? I have installed the partition, but can't format the drive
    with the OrangePC floppy startup disk image system without installing
    Win98 directly. I have created a partition. Next, I want to be able to
    install 98lite Pro on the C: disk image and then run 98lite to get a
    sleek install of Win98.

    I have done this on my kid's Aptiva, so I know that it works just fine.
    There must be something with the custom startup floppy image from Orange
    Micro, but I have also tried creating a new floppy image with "normal"
    Win98 startup files and that doesn't seem to work either.

    Any advice would be great.



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    bdurant@inform.dk http://www2.inform.dk/durant --

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