[WinMac] re:Epson 850NE

From: Scot Loomis (sloomis[at]honoluluadvertiser.com)
Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 13:24:57 PDT

  • Next message: John Droggitis: "RE: [WinMac] Epson 850NE - replacement arrived"

    >I was wondering if the climate in Hawaii might be a factor? Although my
    >hunch would be that it isn't, and might even be beneficial.

    The humidity here can be a killer for electronic equipment, so that could
    contribute to the problems I've had at home, but here at work, the
    envirnment is fairly well conditioned, so I don't think it would be a
    factor. From what I've read hear, I may have to look for a black button
    on the ethernet card or even try to reseat the card and see if that works.

    Scot Loomis
    Production Systems Manager
    Hawaii Newspaper Agency
    (808) 525-7656

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