[WinMac] Windows text inserter

From: Jeff Wechter (jeff[at]azimuthco.com)
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 05:36:41 PST

  • Next message: Bruce Johnson: "Re: [WinMac] Windows text inserter"


    I've got a Mac background and I have a friend who is using Office 2000 on Windows 98.

    She tells me that she used to be able to type a key combination in her e-mail app and a paragraph or so of text would be automatically inserted into her document. She's not sure if the capabilities are still there, and she can't find them, or if it was a system hack that enabled this. She wants to be able to insert a variety of stored paragraphs, so simple clipboard pasting isn't quite enough. Currently her workaround is to mouse up to the Insert menu and select files from there; but considering the large quantity of mail to respond to she wants to get away from mouse driven methods, so dragging and dropping scrap files is also less than ideal.

    On the Mac side this sounds like something for which Copypaste would be a perfect solution, or Typeitforme. In the archives I found a mention of ClipMate, which is okay, but still mouse driven unless I'm missing something.

    Any recommendations?

    - -
    Jeff Wechter Azimuth Computing Consultants
    <jeff@azimuthco.com> 612-237-6906
    - -

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