Re: [WinMac] Drop box on NT Server

Romeyn Prescott(prescor[at]
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 18:27:04 -0500

This is going to sound really backwards and stupid, and I can't explain
WHY or HOW it works, but it does.

We offer a file service to Faculty and Students called "Class
Submissions" that is used as a homework dropoff place. Faculty create
folders for their classes and students put their work there. After a
not-quite-completely disastrous experimental semester in which we tried
a Linux/Samba/netatalk+asun solution, we're back to NT with SFM.

All Campus Computer Account holders fall into one of two groups: Faculty
or Student. On each "dropbox" folder we have set the following NTFS permissions:


Now looking at that you'd say, "That's stupid, Rom. That means everyone
can do everything!" Well, I'd have thought so too, but here's what
everyone actually CAN do: The owner of a file can modify or delete it.
Everyone else can see it, but cannot open it, modify it, or delete it.

I'm still scratching my head over this, but have verified that it DOES
work on both Mac and PC sides.

Also note that I'm not at work as I write this, so I don't have these
permissions right in front of me. I'll double check in the morning, but
I'm pretty sure about this.


Tim Scoff wrote:
> Help please,
> I'm trying to create a drop box on an NT Server for both
> Macintosh and Windows clients. If I create it so that it works
> perfectly for NT Clients (they can't overwrite existing files) it
> doesn't work for the Mac clients and vice versa. Does anyone know
> how to do it so that one shared folder will work for both platforms?
> Thank you in advance.
> Tim Scoff
> (412) 422-5242
> Pager - (412) 602-7738
> Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. The world's only fully buzzword compliant
> Operating System.
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