[WinMac] RE: MacOS 9: Upgrade now or wait?

Thomas Kase(thomaskase[at]earthlink.net)
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:11:40 +0000

'Someone' on the list commented on the need for
users of PowerMail to upgrade before using OS9...

As a registered user of the fine email client PowerMail,
I received my email from ctmdev.com on Oct. 11 with
info about the link to the free update from 2.4 v6 that
I was using to the OS9 compliant version 2.4 v7.

Two weeks later I got my copy of OS9...

So it was never a problem... and I am sure my fellow
PowerMail users quickly downloaded the same updater
since the product is only sold online.


Thomas Kase



And about "free" MS bug fixes...

The Japanese "service pack" for Office97 cost ~$100!
Without the bug fixes Office was useless - alpha grade.

Besides, who thinks the major changes in the MacOS
since 7.5, 8, 8.5 and now 9, don't warrant the label
upgrade? I sure don't mind paying for the extra features.

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