Re: [WinMac] X->Unix, was Thanks and Another Question
Wed, 2 Jun 1999 08:33:19 EDT

>Depends on what you want to do. We are using MacX to access a XWindows
>front end to our database and it works fine.
>> Does anyone know about MacX the software for interacting with Xwindows
>> on Unix? I was wondering if it would help me interact with the Unix crowd
>> with more efficiency?

I'll second the "Depends".

I have eXodus from White Pine Software (similar to MacX). I happened to like
White Pine. Anyway, as I have learned more about Unix, I have found that
BetterTelnet serves my purposes better. It's a smaller footprint on my Mac
system (both screen space and memory). I have multiple sessions open to
multiple servers at once. I work as root fairly often, and we don't allow
root to login remotely. If I log in to X as myself, then all the graphical
stuff is based on my access. In a telnet session, I su to root after logging
in as myself.

So, for Unix work requiring access and knowledge of Unix (or learning Unix),
I would say BetterTelnet is better. For specific applications (such as CAD)
where no real Unix access is required, X is going to be better.

Chris Hoogendyk
Network Specialist
UMass Library, Amherst

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