Re: [WinMac] web contents software for Holly

Holly Hegeman(hhegeman[at]
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 18:13:32 -0500

  Thanks to all who wrote to me in regard to the problem I was having with
  FrontPage. Actually the solution to the immediate problem was rather
  easy--once we negated every possible problem on the NT side.

  What was happening was that there was not enough memory allocated to
  FrontPage Explorer on my Mac side, even though I had stepped it up to
  10,000K. I stepped it up to 20K and presto, the site then downloaded with
  no problem, and no "Unexpected Exception" notices. I heard from more than a
  few others on the list who were experiencing the same problem, and yep, the
  additional memory allocation worked every time.

  Thanks for all the suggestions on what we might want to do going forward
  with other programs as well. We are going to get the new site up and get
  the bugs out first--and then take a longer look at where we go from that

  Thanks again!

  Holly Hegeman

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