Re: [WinMac] Sort of off topic GASP

Darryl Lee(lee[at]
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 22:30:29 -0800 (PST)

> but there's a lotta experience here...anyone remember if you can use
> parity memory (9 chips) 30 pin SIMMS in , foex, an old Mac Performa
> 405...ISTR you could use PC memory in them, but not Mac memory in
> PC's...I have a pile of old, useless (in new systems) ones lying around
> here, and friend just brought in their performa for me to take a look
> at.

Alex is mainly right. Putting random SIMMs in your Mac probably won't
fry it. You just might get those unpleasant funeral tones, which always
creep me out.

Perhaps a better choice though, is to download GURU from Newer
Technologies (, which is a nifty little Mac app that
has a very very *very* comprehensive database about RAM capacity, video
options, and expansion info for every Mac ever in existence, including
clones! And oh yeah, it's _free_!

Or... if you're not in front of a Mac (and strangely enough, these days
i'm not very often), you can get *some* info at the Macintosh Museum:

But yeah, GURU has the _full_ info. It says there's 4MB on the
motherboard. The max is 10MB. There's 2 sockets for 30-pin SIMMs.
Minimum speed is 100ns. And yeah, Dan's right. Apparently, even if
you put two 4MB SIMMs in, you lose 2MB, so it's still a max of 10MB.

Say, speaking of 30-pin 4MB SIMMs... You say you have a lot of
SIMMs just lying around? i've got a IIsi that i would love to use
more than just a footrest, but i "donated" my 2mb SIMMs to a friend
of mine so he could run IPNetRouter as his DSL-gateway. So now
i'm down to just 5MB. Augh! Do ya have any 4s or even 2s that i
could maybe have for a donation to the charity of your choice?
(Even if it it's you. :)

Anyways, get GURU. It rawks, as the kids say. >:}

Darryl Lee <> | Geek? Who me? <>

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