[WinMac] copying MacOS files

Ryan Sabir(Ryan[at]gomango.com.au)
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 11:57:48 +1100

Hi all, I've got a question for someone who gets intimate with SFM...

We're running two servers and I need to copy an entire volume from one
server to the other. This volume contains mainly mac files so I'm wondering
how to safely copy the files around...

Do I have to be sitting on a Mac and open the volume and copy the files
through AppleShare? Or can I sit at the server and copy the files from
there? I'm wondering what happens to all the Mac resource fork information
etc... that exists, will it get copied correctly if I do the copy from the
server boxes?

How does this stuff work anyway? Can I copy a single Mac file from one NT
server to another and preserve the resource fork? Where does the information
get stored and how does it get trasferred?

thanks for any advice..


Ryan Sabir <mailto:ryan@gomango.com.au>
Technical Director
Go Man Go Productions Pty Ltd <http://www.gomango.com.au>
Suite 7 Level 4, 177-185 William Street, Darlinghurst Sydney NSW 2010
tel: (+612) 9326 0988 fax: (+612) 9326 0488 mob: 0411 512 454
NIC Handle: RS704-AU

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