[WinMac] Re: WinMac Digest #256 - 03/17/99

John W. McCarthy(jwmcmac[at]flash.net)
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:29:16 -0600


Your welcome.

*** Probable cause of your low pitched sound problem:

If that is the same low pitched sound that some of the Performa series
of Macs make during start up, it is a bug that usually can be corrected
by trashing the sound preferences from the System:Preferences folder.
If the volume is left in a particular setting at shut down (even or odd
number setting, I don't remember) bad things could happen on some
Performa Macs using certain versions of the system OS (I believe 7.6 or 8.0).

One other thing to check is see if you perchance have more than one
Sound Control Panel active in your Control Panels folder, such as:
"Monitor & Sound" and the plain "Sound" control panel. You may only
have one of these active.

*** Other possibilities, not as likely:

I believe this problem may have been caused by extension conflicts, so
rearranging the start up order of various sound/communication
inits/control Panels might help. But just trashing the sound
preferences one time will probably fix it.

As always, getting "Conflict Catcher" from Casady & Greene, Inc. . . .
can be helpful since it allows you to run various tests on all your
start up extensions.

Conflict Catcher has a "Scan Startup Files" selection from its "Special"
menu that can fix various unseen minor problems with your start up files
that were introduced with System 8.0 (I believe). I think one other
Utility also does this repair, but I can't remember which one. Could be
"Norton Disk Doctor 4.5.x" application -- I think it is something to
do with verifying the data fork on certain start up files.


Patrick Kelly McCarthy.

> Subject:
> RE: [WinMac] RE: Flashing Question Mark On Startup
> Date:
> Wed, 17 Mar 1999 11:44:46 -0600
> From:
> Theresa Heroff <theresa@commandeur.com>
> Thank you for your assistance, even though others were subjected to
> redundancy it has helped me immensely. There were several serious errors on
> the hard disk.
> One more question on this subject, I hear a sound every now and then, not
> the usual disk whirl sound but more on the lines of a low pitched beep,
> what is this?
> Theresa

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