[WinMac] Re: Reloading NT (wits end)

Alex Dearden(pata[at]tampabay.rr.com)
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 20:31:23 -0500

>>This is your chance (PC people) to prove that NT doesn't suck (which is
>>what I'm thinking right now, I used to think PCs suck, then I said, well,
>>no, Win 95/98 sucks, NT is not that bad, now I think it sucks) and that
>>it's a true OS. I mean I can't figure out what's going on and why I can't
>>reload it, I'm really pissed at it right now.
>I'm not PC people, but have you considered the possibility of actual disk
>damage? Physical damage or something.

if my disk was damaged I think I would notice it when I boot into NT and
try ro use it, but I don't see anything strange (apart from NT itself ;)

Alex Dearden

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