Re: [WinMac] Mac File Sharing and TCP/IP

Kyle Johnson(kyle.johnson[at]
Mon, 08 Feb 1999 06:53:57 -0500

> Is it possible to share a drive on a mac over a TCP/IP network, rather than
> via Appletalk. The file sharing control panel seems to require AppleTalk
> to be on, however I have heard that using TCP/IP is faster.

If you are using Personal Filesharing on the Mac, you'll need a product
called SharewayIP (the Personal Addition) from Open Door. The URL for the
product is:


> Is the speed issue true, and is it possible? We have 4 Macs and 1 PC on an
> Ethernet network connected using file sharing. The PC runs PC Maclan to
> get on the Appletalk network.

Connecting over TCP is certainly faster, but you will have to keep using
AppleTalk for the PC, as I don't believe Maclan supports AFP over IP. You
could look into AppleShare IP 6.1 (from Apple) which includes SMB services
for Windows machines. It may be overkill for such a small network, and the
SMB services on ASIP are not perfect.


Kyle Johnson                           
Manager, Information Systems      
Duke University Student Affairs
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