[WinMac] Re: Apple and NT

Alex Dearden(pata[at]tampabay.rr.com)
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 23:21:07 -0500

>Admittedly, it's easier to work with PC files on a Mac than vice versa,
>but to
>be big in business again, they need to go a lot further than that, and
>the issue of solving user problems. I use a Mac at work in a marketing
>department of a Fortune 500 company. Our department is about 1/3 Macs and 2/3
>PCs. And while the company used to be 100% Mac, we've migrated away over the
>past few years.

I agree. And I read somewhere that Apple was hard at work integrating
TCP/IP as a true networking (as opposed to Internet) protocol for the Mac
OS. It would only make sense since everyone else is doing it (even Novell
is bowing down IPX in favor of TCP/IP as their default protocol). Let's
hope Apple does it soon and does it well.

Alex Dearden

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