[WinMac] Re: Mac Zone problem

Dan Schwartz(expresso[at]snip.net)
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 09:09:11 -0500

        I used Apple Internet Router 3.0.1 to seed AppleTalk "zones" at a graphics
shop with Macs and NT servers, with no operational problems (after deleting
the "AppleShare Prep" preference file on each Mac client).


        However, don't confuse "segment" with "zone:" A "segment" is a physical
zone that is isolated with either a bridge or a router; while a(n
AppleTalk) "zone" is a logical grouping of machines.

        The *critical* difference is that multiple zones can run on a single
segment, unless physically separated by a bridge or router. This is *very*
important to keep in mind if you need to cut down on packet traffic --
ESPECIALLY if you are running other protocols (stacks) on the same wire,
such as TCP/IP &/or IPX.


        Another interesting phenomenon is that now that ethernet switches have
dropped so much in price that AppleTalk zones can become a thing of the
past for installations of up to about a hundred or so AppleTalk devices.
Keep this in the back of your mind before creating zones if packet traffic
is your main concern.

        Yours truly,
        Dan Schwartz

At 09:45 PM 1/15/99 +0800, Michael wrote:
>Hi Newt,
>> Finally we shut down the Windows NT zone seeding and everything returned
>>to normal.
>> Does anyone know why zone seeding on a Windows NT Server didn't work for
>>us? Has anyone successfully done zone seeding in a mixed environment like
>>ours? If so what did you use to do the zone seeding?
>> - Newt -
>We've got a Win NT server seeding our AppleTalk zones without problems
>(150+ Macs, 50 or so PCs running various flavours of Windows/Linux & 20-odd
>LaserWriters in the department).
>We didn't really do anything fancy, except reboot the NT server once we set
>up the AppleTalk zones to our satisfaction. Haven't had any problems
>since, and it's been running smoothly for a couple of years now.
>Sure beats the two Multigates we were using before.
>Michael Eilon
>Assistant computer manager
>Dept. of Physics
>University of Western Australia


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