[WinMac] Cross-platform email

Thu, 17 Dec 98 17:30:18 +1000

Hi all,

I run a small business selling and supporting bibliographic software
which is available for both Mac and Win platforms. The support part
(free!) involves users sending me corrupt files etc from time to time,
and email has become the standard transmission medium.

My problem is this - I can send/receive email from either platform, using
Claris Emailer on the Mac and Eudora on the PC. However if I receive
attachments from a PC user on my Mac, the attachments are often
MIME-encoded, and Claris Emailer won't have a bar of them. If I send a
file from the Mac to a Windows user, by default Claris Emailer insists on
BinHexing them, unless I tell it to uuencode or Base64 encode - any of
these can give problems at the other end. I downloaded a freeware package
called MPack 1.5 which is supposed to be able to decode MIMEd files, but
for some reason it won't! (Yep, I'm probably doing something wrong, I

If I run email from the PC, I get the converse problems. I have about
10,000 users out there, at present roughly half and half although Windows
is definitely in the ascendancy (as a Macman vintage 1984, or earlier if
you count the Lisa, I hate to admit that, but facts are facts).

Anyone else have this problem? Any useful suggestions? I should explain
that I'm located out in the sticks, without anyone respectable to discuss
this with. Hence my hopes that (a) it's appropriate for this list and (b)
that someone can put me straight.

Christmas greetings to all, from Down Under,

Ken Williams

(Dr) K. L. Williams
Crandon Services Pty Ltd
P.O. Box 181
SAWTELL NSW 2452 Australia
Tel 02 6658 3674 (from overseas, Int'l + 61 2 6658 3674)
Fax 02 6658 3675 (from overseas, Int'l + 61 2 6658 3675)
Email <crandon@midcoast.com.au>
Web: http://www.midcoast.com.au/~crandon/index.html

"Entropy is winning..."


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