[WinMac] PC floppy problem

Belinda J. Wagner Ph.D.(bwagner[at]wfubmc.edu)
Fri, 25 Sep 98 17:52:38 -0500

On 9/24/98 7:00 PM, The Windows-MacOS cooperation list <
winmac@xerxes.frit.utexas.edu> wrote:

> For example, a file is written apparently
>correctly (correct numbers of bytes) to the floppy by the Mac, but my
>Wintel machine reports a disk failure part way through the file.
>Has anyone else found this? Is it a documented problem?

I've noticed wierdness, too. In some cases, the Mac has just trashed the
disk. What usually works is to format a blank disk in PC format with the
Mac. THEN copy your files onto it from a PC. Unfortunately, I've been too
busy when this has happened to document sufficiently to notice a pattern.

There is some sort of patch for this on the Apple Web site. I know I
downloaded at one point, but haven't had a chance to install it yet
(grant deadline -- Oct 1)

I'll read this thread with interest to find out if the patch works!

Belinda J. Wagner, Ph.D. voice: (336) 716-2992
Research Assistant Professor fax: (336) 716-6642
Department of Plastic Surgery
Wake Forest Univ. School of Medicine email: bwagner@wfubmc.edu
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27157

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