[WinMac] A Mac ODBC resource from Evangelist

Belinda J. Wagner Ph.D.(bwagner[at]wfubmc.edu)
Mon, 21 Sep 98 09:40:26 -0500

Good day all,

This came through a recent Evangelist and I thought it would be
appropriate to re-post it here.

On 9/18/98 10:06 AM, EvangeList Digest <
owner-evangelist-digest@public.lists.apple.com> wrote:

>Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 08:06:48 -0800
>From: John Halbig <john@garage.com>
>Subject: Tidbit - Improved Mac ODBC Database Connectivity?
>This tidbit is from:
>Gardner, Jon L, <jon@ci.bryan.tx.us>
>I haven't used this software myself, but I know that a common complaint
>from the Macintosh community is the lack of connectivity to some "common"
>databases, namely MS Access. But take heart! Check this out:
>This software runs on an NT server, but it enables cross-platform ODBC
>client connectivity to almost any database by acting as a "middleman"
>between the Mac/PC client and the database. If you're not already using
>NT, I don't think it would be worth the headache of NT administration,
>but if, like me, you're stuck in an NT shop, this could be a Very Good
>Digital Guy Sez:
>This falls under the catagory of "I don't know enough about this topic to
>understand the possibilities fully", do perhaps a more qualified
>EvangeLista can follow up on this?

Belinda J. Wagner, Ph.D. voice: (336) 716-2992
Research Assistant Professor fax: (336) 716-6642
Department of Plastic Surgery
Wake Forest Univ. School of Medicine email: bwagner@wfubmc.edu
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27157

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