[WinMac] Re: Virtual PC

Charles A. Patrick(Charles.Patrick[at]sympatico.ca)
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 22:20:28 -0400

At 10:10 PM -0500 98/09/14, Rob Jorgensen wrote, in response to my earlier

>>A friend has the Windows 95 version of the VPC CD.
>>Is there a way of installing VPC without Wndows 95, so as to install
>>Windows NT?
>>I am told (by my Windows support person at work) that once Windows 95 is
>>installed, it is impossible to remove cleanly and install an alternative OS.
>>We just want to avoid unnecessary hassles.
>Putting licensing issues aside, and if I'm not mistaken, you could
>install one copy of VPC with Windows, one copy with NT and one with
>DOS, and use any one of the three whenever necessary. VPC is nothing
>more than an application and a PC disk image.
>IMHO, this is just another case where the Mac is the better choice
>for running Windows/NT/DOS, assuming that you have a speedy enough
>processor. It would be like having 3 different PCs on your Mac, PLUS
>the best of all...the Mac OS. ;o)
>Someone jump in here and correct me if this info is incorrect.

We have checked the Custom install option and do not see how to exercise
the options tha Rob offers (licensing issues aside!)

Ideally, we wouild like to install VPC and then NT4, and whatever thereafter.


Charles A. Patrick
60 Pontiac Street
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 2K1

Tel: 1 613 729 5793
Fax: 1 613 729 8346

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