[WinMac] Re: PowerPoint and QuickTime

Ron Colvin(colvinrd[at]erols.com)
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 07:49:20 -0500

>I've got a problem that neither Apple nor Microsoft have been able to help
>me with...
>Several PowerPoint 4.0 documents were sent to me containing graphics that are
>PICTs compressed via one of the QuickTime compressors. When those
>presentations are opened on a Windows NT machine running PowerPoint 97 with
>QuickTime 3.0 installed, where the graphics should be displayed there is
>instead a place holder that says something like "QuickTime PICT" (although it
>is hard to read because the text is stretched across the place holder).
The file format of the pictures that were put into the powerpoint 4
presentation for the Mac is not one that the PC understands, the
presentation needs to be opened on a Mac and the graphics need to be cut
and pasted into a graphics program, I like graphic converter, and changed
into something else, jpegs should work.

Ron Colvin
ever unfinished homepage

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