[WinMac] RE: Usable speed of Virtual PC on G3?

Harris, Matt(HARRISMA[at]Mattel.com)
Tue, 4 Aug 1998 17:37:57 -0700

> Michael Diehr Wrote:
> I'm thinking of selling my Power Mac 8500/120 w/ 100 MhZ pentium card
> and
> buying a Powerbook G3/250 and using Virtual PC 2.0 for doing windows
> development... I'm guestimating that VPC/G3 would be about as fast as
> my Pentium/100 card...
        [Harris, Matt]
        For most things VPC is great but I would not recommend it for
development for PC unless you have another system for testing. There
are two reasons for this. First is crash recovery is very slow because
of the emulation. I don't know why CHKDSK is slow when restarting after
a crash, but it is. Secondly, some things like DHCP are not going to
behave quite the same, and it may not crash at times when the real thing
would have, or it may crash when the real thing would not have.

        VPC gives you one more variable to worry about when there is a
problem in your code, and that can cost time.

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