[WinMac] Important Web Site Notification

Darryl Lee(lee[at]darryl.com)
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 23:07:00 +0200

Hi everybody...

STOP! Before you do anything else, bookmark the following page:


There are _all kinds_ of excellent tips there about using MacOS and
Windows together. Look there _first_ before asking questions on this list.

Then... for kicks, you could look at the recently updated WinMac FAQ
(for this list), which while improved, still pales in comparison to
the above site:


Finally, if you're pretty sure that somebody has asked the question
before on this list, but you accidentally deleted the answer in your
e-mail, check the archive:


(And yes, i still promise to get searching of the archives in there.
Someday, someday.)

Darryl Lee <lee@darryl.com> | "That Systems Guy" | <http://www.darryl.com>

* Windows-MacOS Cooperation List * * FAQ: <http://www.darryl.com/winmacfaq/> * * Archives: <http://www.darryl.com/winmac/> * * Subscribe: <mailto:winmac-on@xerxes.frit.utexas.edu> * * Subscribe Digest: <mailto:winmac-digest@xerxes.frit.utexas.edu> * * Unsubscribe: <mailto:winmac-off@xerxes.frit.utexas.edu> *

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