Re: [WinMac] TT-font conversion mac -> win

Darryl Lee(lee[at]
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 21:05:15 +0200

Yah, TT Font Converter isn't the best thing to use. Evan, the
author, has discontinued development on the project because he
found another piece of software that does the same thing better:
TT Converter. Strangely enough, it appears to have disappeared
from all of the usual archives out there. i found it at:

There's also a DOS program that'll do the same thing, but you have to
save the Mac font as a MacBinary file (to keep both forks intact), and

blah blah blah... (it's a pain.)

It's called Refont, and it's at:

(Also there were commercial programs like FontMonger and Metamorphosis
Pro that could do this conversion for you. But they're not on the
market anymore.)

Darryl Lee <> | "That Systems Guy" | <>

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