Re: NT versus Appleshare servers

Kyle Johnson(kyle.johnson[at]
Fri, 10 Jul 1998 20:37:36 +0200

At 11:15 AM -0400 7/9/98, Thom Pratt wrote:
>We have a mixed environment of 4 NT and 25 Mac in an architectural office
>and are contemplating switching from peer to peer over to centralized
>file sharing, no applications, just files.

>What are thoughts on NT servers versus Appleshare servers for this

At least some of it is going to depend on the expertise in your office.
Right now, the NT server is easier to configure for multiple platforms
(since you have have the NT server do SMB for the NT clients and Appleshare
for the Mac clients), but the AppleshareIP server is IMHO infinitely easier
to setup in general.

And there are two options for hooking up your NT machines to an
AppleShareIP server. The first is to install the Appshare for Windows
client that comes with AppleShareIP. Not only will you get access to the
Appleshare server, but also to any AppleTalk printers on your network.
We've done this in a couple of cases with pretty good success. The other
option is still in beta, i.e. AppleShareIP 6.0. That will support SMB so
that an NT/95/98 client can logon to the AppleShare server using native
Windows protocols. ASIP 6.x should be shipping in another couple of
months, and I recommend waiting for that, unless you've got someone with
the skill and desire to administer an NT server.


Kyle Johnson                           
Manager, Information Systems      
Duke University Student Affairs
Do you have change for a paradigm?


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